Basket Raffle Donations
We are looking for raffle basket donations for the craft fair and purse bingo! If you are willing to donate one or know of a business willing to please contact us!
The Pride of Western Wayne
We are looking for raffle basket donations for the craft fair and purse bingo! If you are willing to donate one or know of a business willing to please contact us!
Keep an eye on the Fundraising page for information about upcoming fundraisers, including Winter hats, Dip mixes, Cheesecakes, Candles, Craft Fair and Purse Bingo!
We are looking for businesses who are willing to sponsor the band. These funds will be used to offset the costs for WWBPA events throughout the year. Visit the Sponsorships page for more information!
The annual band bonfire will be on Saturday, August 17th. Students should RSVP by Tuesday, August 13th. Please let Kayla Walton or Lia Hartman know if you can bring a covered dish, so a menu can be planned accordingly.
The Band Picture Day will be on Wednesday, August 14th during band camp. The picture order form should be returned with payment on picture day – or order online.
This past week, we sent home the polo order form, picture order form, medical form, and signature form. Please make sure to send these forms back ASAP! Students cannot participate in cavalcades, performances, or parades until medical forms are returned.
Band Camp is Tuesday, August 13th through Friday, August 16th from 8am to 1pm. There will be theme days each day: Even though students are dressing up… Sneakers and fresh socks are a MUST!! The WWBPA will not be providing socks to your student(s). Also, outfits must conform to the school dress code (lengths of … Read more